Crime and theft remain looming concerns for every business, big or small. Often, these issues can be avoided by taking simple precautionary measures.
Installing security cameras, implementing digital firewalls, or adding an electric perimeter security fence goes a long way in protecting a commercial property. Don’t wait until a security breach occurs to think about securing your business. Use the following five ideas to ensure your business’s assets and employees are protected.
Assess Your Assets
The first step to protecting your business is to assess possible threats, both operationally and geographically. List your greatest valuables and define what puts them at risk.
Do you have complex software that isn’t locked down after hours? Is your warehouse in a public lot? Do your employees have a habit of leaving valuables unattended in their cars? All of these actions expose your business to risk.
By identifying where you’re most vulnerable, you’ll know which key areas to protect first. In addition, look at where your business is located, and see if similar companies in the area have experienced any security issues. Learning from their experience is the best way to get ahead of a situation.
Stop Information Theft
Almost every business stores their information online, which makes you susceptible to cybercrime. A software security suite protects sensitive information, documents, and communication from theft.
Passwords should be unique, hard to figure out, and changed often. If you keep printed versions of important or sensitive information, be sure to use a paper shredder to keep information from being stolen. Any information still in use should be stored in a locked cabinet.
Monitor the Area
Security cameras influence the behavior of would-be burglars and less-than-ethical employees. Install them in areas where valuable assets are located, and review the footage regularly. This includes expensive equipment, cash registers, parking lots, and areas that you don’t want accessible to the public.
Provide Security Training
Take the time to train yourself and your staff on what to do in the event of a crime or threat. Identify signs of suspicious behavior and have a plan for what to do if someone on the property is behaving in a dangerous manner. Minimize how much cash is kept on site.
Protect the Premises
Window locks, security fences, lighting, and alarms help secure your business. This is especially important at night, when the risk of burglary and trespassing is highest. While there may be an up-front cost involved to install these security features, your insurance premiums could go down.
Keep Your Business Safe
One of the best ways to secure your property and prevent crime is by installing an electric perimeter security fence. America Fence will use our nearly 50 years’ experience to help you identify the fence that best fits your needs.
Protect your assets, your employees, and yourself. Contact America Fence or call 770-931-4077 to learn more about our expert fence services.